A little piece of Heaven has fallen into our neighborhood this past weekend. Saturday afternoon I hit the grand opening of
Sprouts here in our town. I can't tell you how excited I've been waiting for this place to open up! If you aren't familiar with Sprouts, let's just say that for folks like me with big food allergies, it's by far, THE BEST place to grocery shop. Unlike other stores, that might have 10 - 20 gluten-free products, this store has AISLES of them. What started off as a run-in for two items, turned into a $80 grocery run. I am blessed with a husband that doesn't have a cow when I go crazy over GF cookies and pasta shells. He knows if I don't have alternatives, I cheat and get sick. Bad. Bad for everyone in our home!
We've been having a few food issues with JK. He's closing in on 11 months and fully walking, speaking several words, but not doing so well with table food. He's been on jar baby food for awhile now, but foods with any type of dryness (cookies, crackers, cereal) make him gag and foods with any type of texture (applesauce, yogurt), also make him gag. He's broken out a bit on his cheeks the times I've fed him something with wheat or oats, so I'm sticking him with a GF/CF diet until I can get him tested.
This weekend we had a breakthrough and he ate some canned sweet potatoes that I pureed and a few gluten-free Perky O's (a cheerio like cereal, only without oats).
Thanks KareBear on both counts! He hasn't quite mastered letting go of the Perky O's once they hit his mouth, so his solution is to put his whole fist in his mouth...which...makes him gag.
Here he is experiencing the fresh sweet potato that fell out of the grocery bag.
Hmm. Not as good as the pureed stuff Mommy made a few days ago.
Here he is...you got it...gagging. LOL!
But he goes back for more. Glutton for punishment. This kid has too much of the bad parts of my character.
Here he is running down the hall about to clobber me with the sweet potato. Sorry for the blur. I was trying to adjust my camera setting, but he's getting fast on his feet!