Little Monkey,
Twelve months ago today you came into our world with a bang and changed our lives forever more!

Who knew that you would be so funny, smart, silly, and the best little blessing we've ever experienced! I don't really remember what our lives were like before you arrived, but it doesn't even matter anymore. You start our days with hopping in your crib like a little monkey and grinning from ear to ear and a mouthful of sweet baby gibberish. In your own little way, you are saying,
"Good morning Mom and Dad, I'm ready to start my day!" You get your happy morning personality from your Grampa T, because it's not from either of us!
Breakfast usually consists of fruit, cereal and pizza crackers. For whatever reason, you seem to love these gluten-free pizza flavored crackers. I can't imagine that they taste very good with fruit and cereal, but you seem to think breakfast is not complete without them.

Mommy and Daddy are just happy that you are finally eating food without getting sick. Perhaps it's the 6 teeth you now have that makes meal time a little easier to enjoy? Now that you've experienced the joy of eating, you're willing to at least try almost anything. You love fruit, whether it's fresh or dried doesn't matter! Apple "sticks", clementines, strawberries, watermelon, pears. You also love almost anything with strong flavors. Pasta with spicy chili. Pasta salad with caesar dressing and ham. Peas and carrots with dill and garlic. Rice pilaf with saffron. No bland food for this baby! You're definitely a W!

Every morning Daddy takes you to school, which you love. Sometimes when we aren't even ready to leave, you stand at the door and
scream say "bye-bye" and "dada". We think you are going to be a very verbal child. Daddy always straps you into your infant seat (which you are quickly outgrowing) and swings you over his shoulder, which always makes you laugh and squeal.

Throughout the day, while Mommy and Daddy are at work or church, you bless all those you come in contact with: the children and teachers at school, all the parents that enter your room to pick up the other babies, the teachers and mommies and daddies of your friends at church. Everyone always comments how happy, sweet, and well-behaved you are. You are quick to work for a smile and quick to share your food and toys. It's cute to see that you are learning generosity at such a young age. You get that from your Daddy!

You are studious, incredibly curious about people, what they're doing, and you work so hard to get people's eye contact so you can see what they're about and connect with them. You're like your Momma in this aspect!

We find it so funny that you especially like girls at such a young age. You certainly don't need a girlfriend in our eyes, but you've got many because you're such a flirt! In general, you really don't know any strangers.

After I pick you up from school, you are usually pretty tired. You're down to one nap a day now, which makes for a rough evening sometimes. I guess you're always so scared to miss out on something that you don't nap too well. So we tough it out till bathtime by going to the park, playing in the yard, dancing to music inside, or playing with the dogs.

Usually by bathtime, Daddy is home and helps get you ready for bed. You are so blessed to have a daddy that is so hands on with your care. He sings made-up silly songs and makes funny noises to make you laugh. He doesn't stress out when you spill water all over the place during your bath. He thinks it's just as much fun as you! If you've had a rough evening, bathtimes are usually the time that you relax and start feeling better. A nice way to ease into our bedtime routine.

Bedtime usually consists of a little playing before snuggles, bedtime stories and your last bottle. Sometimes you just aren't ready to go to bed and you're very good at letting us know.

You love to read about Curious George and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Once story time is over, usually Mommy or Daddy snuggle with you in your rocking chair to feed you your last bottle of the day. You usually hold your stuffed monkey Charlie, a.k.a. "Buh" and rub on his fuzzy little tail. When your milk is gone, that fuzzy tail becomes your pacifier until you fall into a sweet slumber. You are so very precious when you sleep!

We do everything we can to give you a good life and in return, you bless us with witnessing what a miracle you are to us. If God does ordain the little things in our lives, then there is no question that He has ordained us to be your parents. There is no other possible answer for the amazing blessing of you being in our lives. Thank you for being born little one. You truly are a light in our lives!
We love you so very, very much!
Mommy and Daddy