We're starting to get comments about how beautiful our "little girl" is. Or questions about how old our "daughter" is.
How on earth am I ever supposed to give this kiddo a haircut when his curls are this pretty?
Under Construction!!! I have no idea what I'm doing with this blog and need help with formatting. Thanks for your patience.
Hahaha maybe you can just make shirts for him that say "Real men have curls."
Don't cut those beautiful curls off! Caleb was called a girl until he was about 2 even when I dressed him in really masculine clothing. I figured that all the "girl comments" just meant that I had one beautiful little boy!
We had similar comments about Duncan. Not for the curls. His hair is/was stick straight. But we were waiting for Meemaw to come to Philly for a visit and give him his first haircut. Like Alison said, no matter what very masculine clothing we put on him, the "What a cute little girl!" comments just kept coming. ~sigh~ Boy was THAT a while ago! (5 years!)
I agree! You can't cut off those beautiful curls! How precious!!
I totally feel your pain! We just had our first comment about Carson looking like a girl, but I don't care...I'm not cutting those curls! Can we help it if our boys have beautiful heads of hair?! ;)
DO NOT cut that precious child's hair! Us straight-haired people would kill for curls like those! My Mom cut my brother's beautiful curls off when he was 2 and they didn't grow back! What a pumpkin!
I love the curls!! He's a handsome little boy with awesome hair!!
Love the hair, the ladies will love him! I'm going to add you to our blog. Hope you are great!
Hi, I'm Wendi's sister-in-law. I just had to chime in and say that I had faced this similar problem with my son. He had his first haircut, finally, about 3 months before his 2nd birthday. I just could not bring myself to do it. That coupled with the fact that I wasn't sure he'd sit through a haircut, I just waited. And waited. And waited.
After I finally did it, I couldn't believe I had waited so long! And now when we look back, we almost don't recognize him, lol. Here's a link to his before and afters:
Personally, I don't think your son's hair is even all that long, and he certainly doesn't look like a girl. People just don't pay attention when they look at little kids and start asking questions (had that problem with my daugher, who wore PINK and Dresses and still got asked about how old my son was).
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