We've discovered that Mimi and Momma are quite alike in their methods of Monkey Play. Neither of us have any qualms about making a huge racket or looking like total idiots ourselves in an effort to entertain The Toddler In Charge.
About three seconds after I took this last shot, Monkey jumped off the sofa and ran into the other room to play with toys. Mama sat on her knees for a few moments catching her breath. She looked to me and said, "He is so busy. I am very tired."
These are so precious! I'm so glad y'all are having such a good visit. :)
Those pictures are adorable!!! Your mum is extremely excited to spend time with her grandson.
Obaachan is quite a "name" for a little one to say. I wonder if mine will be able to say Halmoni!!! (Grandma in korean!) I still don't even know if I say it correctly!!! =)
Hi! I saw your comment on Vanities of Vanities. My mom is Japanese too! My kids call her GaGa. (But my sister is mimi.) I know you don't know me from Adam, but it's kinda cool to come across someone that shares your background. Bi-racial kids are no longer a rareity, but back when I was a young kid in the south (I'm 43), I stuck out like a sore thumb! Your little one is a cutie!
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