He's doing pretty good if I say so myself. He wrote his first thank you note the other night.
There was only one A in the package, so even though it says "Mandr", it's supposed to be your full name. You know who you are. :-)
Under Construction!!! I have no idea what I'm doing with this blog and need help with formatting. Thanks for your patience.
I like how he already knows how to use abbreviations...I'm more used to Thx as text speak, but TU works too :)
Good job with the strategically placed towel!
i think it's hilarious...Mandr got us the same thing when N was born
Way to go, JK! Invented spelling is an early step in a long literacy journey! :)
I got Rachel the same set and have already added an additional one to her Christmas list...I won't be able to stand not spelling some words correctly! Why don't they (and all alphabet toys, for that matter) come with additional vowels at least?
LOL!! You're teaching him text talk! AWESOME!!! ;)
That bathroom looks fabulous. Can I get the name of your tile guy?
(PS. The baby looks mighty cute, too!)
Jen K, the towel was an accident. We don't have a bath mat yet, so the towel is an effort to keep him from slip-slidin' away...
Kristen, I'll email you the number of the tile guy. He does beautiful work. AND he's uber-HOT. Nice to watch. Heehee!
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