I remember when I was a little girl, that if I had just the right type of dress or skirt, it was always fun to twirl around in it. The bigger the skirt, the more fun to twirl, and the prettier I felt. Like a princess!
The last two weeks or so, I've felt that same exhiliration. I've felt the world spinning around me, the excitement of our coming child, the winds of change blowing my hair into my face and mouth. I've felt very pretty. Silly I know. I was huge, swollen, uncomfortable, hot and sweaty most of the time. But in the midst of that, I've had this sweet sense of my womanliness. My swollen belly, my pink painted toes, my bright skin and strong nails and hair. I had made a choice lately to wear the cutest clothes I could fit and to always have my makeup and hair done. Usually when I do this, it's an attempt to achieve a "fake-it-till-you-make-it" mentality. Look pretty = feeling pretty. But the last several weeks I've actually felt it and decided to just look it. Like a blue moon, this doesn't happen often. Knowing this, I thought I'd just run with it. I'm still in the cloud of that sensation, in spite of all the chaos and hormones. I'm attempting to relish in that feeling, as I know they don't always stay long. So...
Please pardon our blog-land absence this past week. We are working on a detailed post about the latest change in our lives...but we haven't gathered and downloaded all the pictures yet. So thank you for your patience!!!
But right now, we are enjoying Life and will update everyone very soon.
waiting patiently for pics!
You always look beautiful, but what you've felt in the past few weeks has been spot on. You look amazing pregnant and are so beautiful inside and out and I'm glad you've felt that!
We hope you are getting settled and adjusting to being a family of four. We can't wait to hear Evan's story!
This will suffice.....for now. :)
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