These are completely raw images, untouched, uncropped. Sorry! But I know if I wait till that's done, it'll be four months from now before it happens.
Family members: If you really want one of these, email me and let me know. I'll get you a tweaked high resolution to get printed out.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I know that you will never, ever regret your decision. Remember this little saying, "The days are long, but the years are short".
Have a great day!
p.s your one year old reminds me of some of my one year olds--big and enjoying being carried around. I still carry my 4.5 year around! He is too big to be carried!
OMG your children are adorable and I cried when I read that story about the upside down tiles. Those would have been a piece of art in the end to me that is so sweet!
Thanks for the lovely story!
LOVE THEM ALL!!! You have a beautiful family. :)
Bubs looks like he has gotten bigger since we seen him in June!!! My boy is such a little shrimp. LOL!
LOVE THEM ALL!!! You have a beautiful family! :)
I swear Bubs looks like he has gotten bigger since June! LOL! I wanna squeeze him!!!
I just wanted to stop and say I hope your first couple of weeks at home have gone well! Staying home is a decision you'll never look back on and regret (except, possibly, at 5 p.m. every day when everybody's melting down). I've been thinking about you and hope all is well :)
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