I’ve been JONESING for the stash of Mountain Dews that my coworker keeps in our little office fridge. Now that I’m finally out of the first trimester, I’m feeling courageous enough to venture out of my limited pregnancy diet. So last week, I ask if I can purchase a can from him. He was generous and said to just take what I want, when I wanted. What a nice guy! With three kids of his own and witnessing what his wife went through, he said he understood pregnancy cravings. So I opened a can the other day and poured myself a tiny styrofoam cup of the sweet neon nectar. I felt like I’d gone to Heaven! But I after two months with no caffeine, I knew I was asking for trouble if I drank the whole can. So my coworker finished my (his?) can of Mountain Dew.
Today I have another craving. I’ve been thinking about it all morning and finally caved about two hours ago. So I put a dollar on his desk and took another can. I drank the whole thing! I was a lady and didn’t guzzle like in the commercials, like I felt like doing! I sipped and savored and made it last. It’s beautiful and cold and even feeling it swirl around the ice in my cup made me feel special somehow.
*happy sigh*
But good grief, after a WHOLE can, this stuff makes me feel like I’m Wonder Woman! I bet I can deflect bullets off my bulging belly or something. Where’s my lasso?

I’m most likely going to regret this at 1:00 this morning, but man, it was sweet while it lasted!
POST SCRIPT: Like I'd ever have the boobs to fill out that costume! But a girl can dream...
Enjoy doing the Dew, you deserve a treat. Anything that makes you happy releases your seratonin and makes the baby happy too!
I dunno . . . if your boobs did what MINE did during pregnancy, the sky is the limit. I'll have to email you privately to tell you the size of maternity bra I was forced to buy.
ooooh....I love the sweet savory coldness of a mountain dew. MMMMM! making me thirsty and thinking of in highschool when I would drink 6 a day! WHAT was I thinking??
I want a Dew right now!!!!!!
All I wanted when I was pregnant the first time was a beer. Thankfully I never caved into THAT one, but I was guilty of forcing J to drink one and then kiss me. I guess you just do what you can, right?? ;)
(And I second the belly pic request.)
LMAO!!! Jeez... you pick like the worst soda ever to drink!!! HA HA!!! No wonder you feel like Wonder Woman! Joshy drinks one of those and is bouncing off the walls! And he drinks soda everyday! =)
No cravings here, but I do steal sips of Josh's Dr P every now and then. ;)
You are making me laugh out loud! I love it. I also want to see baby belly pics.
Keep an eye out for Mtn Dew VOLTAGE-- it tastes kinda like Raspberry Lemonade. It's gooood.
It's so funny what caffiene will do to you after you haven't had it in forever! I still drink decaf coffee every single morning. One time I ordered it from Dunkin Donuts and I could totally tell that it wasn't decaf. I felt just like your wonderwoman! My heart was beating so fast! Enjoy your mountain dew! Hope you're feeling a little better!!
Funny thing - I was going to put what Mandi wrote. I guess those babies are all about keeping it interesting!
Way to do the Dew! :)
Okay, sorry Mandi and Kristin...but I can't get over the beer craving. That is so funny! I avoid Kelly like the plague when he has beer breath. YUCK! :)
A, we called it "Mistress Mountain Dew" in college. She kept you up all night. :) Sometimes she was the only thing to get you through finals. Haha!
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