I'm working on transitioning posts from my old blog to this new little home. Please bear with me, as it's a leeetle more time consuming and complex than I had anticipated. Thanks for your patience! And many thanks to those of you that have expressed a desire for me to come back to blogland. I'm still here...just not in the same manner as I used to be. This blog will be focused on my two boys and my man, my three favorite guys in the world!
Thanks for coming to visit even though I'm still under construction! (In more ways than one!)
I'm a homeschooling Momma of two boys (11 and 13 in 2020), married to the Love of My Life. Currently living in hot Texas, but dreaming of living in the cool mountains on a ski slope with some chickens, a goat, and a garden.
Earth Hour is Tomorrow Night!
Join me in conserving and celebrating!
Tomorrow, Saturday, March 27th, at 8:30 pm, it's Earth Hour. Set your
timer! Turn off the lights, laptop, and tel...
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