Seven years ago today, I married my best friend, lover, and companion.

The man who makes me smile and laugh daily. The man who always encourages me to pursue my dreams and gently nudges me out of my comfort zone. The man who has the patience of Job. The man whose tender heart and hands are helping me guide two little miracle boys. The man who understands the importance of chocolate, sushi, snuggles on a blue day, and a fresh pot of coffee on a Monday mornings.
Sweetheart, I know I don't say it enough, but you are so appreciated and we are so blessed to have you as husband and Daddy. This family just does not work without you! Even if the last seven years have had their downs, the ups are really wonderful. If we had to go through all of our "junk" again in life to get to each other, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even though our lives don't look anything like I imagined back then that it would, everything
Happy Anniversary Baby! Here's to 77 years of perfection! I love you!

Happy Anniversary ya'll!
Happy anniversary!! I think the fact that your wedding fell on the ONE sunny Saturday in all of the month surrounding it was just a sign of things to come! I was happy for you then and 7x more's to many, many more!:-)
Kare, no kidding, right? It was the picture perfect day weather-wise. What folks don't know is that I actually researched online the weather on October Saturdays and picked the 1st Saturday based on it being generally the sunniest and fairest Saturday. LOL!
And don't know if you saw this since you were in the wedding party, but I couldn't believe it when others told me later...there were butterflies all over the audience! Some brides pay for butterflies to be released on their wedding day. What they need to do is schedule it during butterfly migration season and have the ceremony in the middle of a big golf course. Much cheaper. :-)
Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful post!
SO sweet! Happy Anniversary you two.
A you are adorable! I was very anxious on your wedding day-- Mine was the very next Saturday 10-12-02. Thanks for reminding us about the beauty of 7, sometimes the middle can seem so ordinary but our ordinary is really great. Thinking of you!
I was there! So funny. I was a mere 19-going-on-20 years old and had just started dating the love of my life... ;)
Thanks for the post sweetheart! And Happy Anniversary to you too. I can't believe we've been married 7 years, it's just gone by so fast...yet feels like we've been together forever, in a good way. It seems like only a few years ago that I started noticing you across the indoor volleyball court...and then thanking the makers of spandex. A few dates, an engagement, a wedding, and now 2 little monkey boys. I just had no idea. But you said it, despite some bumpy parts, I'd travel down the same road in a heartbeat.
I love you.
Awww...N's reply made it that much sweeter. :)
I was just going to comment on how much I LOVE those pictures of you two! I love seeing everyone's wedding photos!
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