For those of you that have known me for a long time, know that my hair has been through A LOT. Outside of my uterus, it's my most fickle body part and like my uterus, we've had this love-hate relationship for many years. Nothing stable about it. When it's good, it's REALLY good. When it's bad, it's horrid.
But it hasn't always been like that. It used to always be horrid. I had a span from when I was about 10 until 19, where I just generally had really BAD hair. During most of this time, my mom cut it. Badly.
Sorry, Momma, I still love you so very much for teaching me how to cook and wear high heels and loving me unconditionally!
Just for kicks, here is just a little history of that awful time period in my life.

As you can see, my hair evolution was pretty warped. But to my mother's credit, it WAS the 80's and we thought her hairstyle was really cool too.

Momma, you didn't think you were immune to the humiliation do you? Bwahahahaha!!!
Just to make up for that, here's a shot of a more recent Momma and you can see she has changed with the times too. She now carries herself with a more classic, tasteful style, which I love!
Since then, I've taken matters into my own hands and started going to the pros. I've spend hundreds of dollars on spiral perms, a few dollars on boxes of Clairol, gone to Supercuts, gone to the Four Seasons, done everything imaginable to these poor locks. One thing hasn't changed from the earlier years: My hair evolves from season to season. Rarely do I keep a style for very long. I guess I'm the fickle one now.
Some of you have seen me go through this evolution...not all of it good!
A really bad phase of blonde...

Trying to grow out the blonde and easing the pain with the help of Shinerbock and very good friends that love me no matter how bad my hair is...

I finally cut off all the blonde and into my life wanders this really hot guy. I knew I shouldn't have colored it...

This hot guy sticks around on the promise that I never again go blonde and he eventually asks me to marry him...

Eventually I grow into this Demi Moore style, including her penchant for the hot younger guy...
Trimmed with a little scrunching of newfound curls, thanks to hormones...
Having fun with long layers...

Little Monkey shows up and the long layers just weren't working anymore. Off go 18 inches to Locks of Love...
And then while I was browsing for hair pictures, I came across this picture from three years ago and just had to share. Yeah, I had cute Lost Girl braids, but I think the hottest style is Luke's piratey tresses.
(Click on the picture to enlarge.)

I mean, what girl doesn't fantasize over long, wavy, black locks blowing in the wind, at least once in her life? Since I can't have that style with two monkeys running underfoot, I decide to work with what I got and stick with a cute Lisa Rinna flippy-do. Short, sassy, easy to maintain, and I don't have to cut it every 4 weeks because my hair grows so fast.
For those of you that recommended the darling stylist at Salons on the Creek, THANK YOU! She listened to me and snipped away and didn't give me one story about aliens visiting or having the ability to read my mind. that I'm typing that out, I'm thinking that having the ability to read minds might not be a bad trait for a hairstylist to have. Hmmm....
Anyways, I thought she did a wonderful job, but I'm already moving onto something new. This cut just isn't working, so I'm seeing her again this Saturday. It's really cute, but it's a LOT more work than I imagined and for some reason it seems since the cut three weeks ago, my hair has grown out too long for it to work anymore. :-(
See picture #2 above. It doesn't look quite this bad, but that's how it feels.
Hopefully, by the time some of you see me on Sunday morning, it'll look cute again!
LOL! I loved the history of hair!!! You go through hair styles about as much as I do. One of these days I'll share my hair story with you. ;)
I actually really loved the long layers on you. That's a very nice sophisticated youthful look. ;) But of course the short pixie style is a very good look as well.
I think all girls/women should experiment with their hair! It's all part of the makeover process. >.<
I loved this post! I loved looking at all your hair pics over the years. I may have to follow in your footsteps and bring out the old photo albums!
I forgot how pretty your hair was long! That seemed like forever ago! But you can definitely pull off the short hair now! It looks so cute and stylish! But then again you look beautiful no matter what.
Love this post! Glad you like Her so much, too.
Ugh, I don't even want to think about my past hair.
You really wear the short style very well. But I do love it long as well. I'm all about going with whatever is easy to maintain.
Haha we are so opposite. I grow mine really long, then cut it to my shoulders. Then grow it long, then cut it... That's it. I had a horrific experience when I was a little girl with my mom chopping my hair off and people calling me a boy. Ever since then, if it doesn't go into a pony tail, then it's too short!
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