Welcome to our world sweet boy! We are so happy you're healthy and here and can't wait to meet you. We love you! C, I CANNOT TELL you how PROUD I am of you!!! J, your life is about to ROCK. All good stuff!
Auntie A and Uncle N
Do they look in awe or what? C's expression makes this one of my favorite shots ever.

DF and Momma...

My sweet baby brother J looks so proud. I still cannot believe he's even old enough to have a child. I changed HIS diapers!

More proud Daddy...

C and my other SIL, J, who's next. She's due in May and then I'm due in July. LOTS of babies this year in the M family!

Proud Daddy, Uncle J, Auntie J, Popo (Gramma in Chinese)...

Thanks to my Dad, this amazing event was photographed like a documentary. (Which is why there aren't any shots of him.) Thanks Dad!
How exciting! I've been sort of following both of their blogs. So happy to see the sweet baby get here so well!
Congrats to ALL :)
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