I want to be a daffodil in a springtime flowerbed. Or a paper-white. Or a hyacinth, so I’d be pretty AND smell good. I want to be soaking up the sun and feeling the heat bounce off the cement sidewalk next to me. I want to feel the breeze in my leaves and hear the dogs barking in the backyard. I want to see the absent-minded mailman put my neighbor’s mail in my box. I want to see the squirrels chasing each other up and around the oak tree across the street. I want to see the trees bud and the bees buzzing around. I want to see the red-breasted robin pulling worms out of the front yard and taking it to her nest of little blue eggs. I want to smell the scent of grass being cut and the cuttings flying across in the wind.
Just needing a tiny little escape from corporate America, I guess.
I know I’m here for a reason, Lord. But I just want a reprieve from the stifling grey walls and unspoken apathy. Thank you for showing and giving me Hope in your creation. Thank you for Spring. Thank you for blessing me with internet friends that become Real Life Friends. Thank you for those Real Life Friends that have the courage to speak Truth to themselves and to me. Thank you for reminding me that there is a season for everything and that no matter how hard something might be right now, that no season is permanent. Thank you for giving me real life circumstances that teach me how unchanging You are. Thank you for reminding me that You ARE Good, no matter our circumstances. Thank you for loving us in spite of our inability to be satisfied with silence and stillness. Please forgive us for being so incredibly self-absorbed.
And thank you for reprieve's like today. Please help me to bless my friend the way she has blessed me.
I cannot for one minute even begin to tell just how much I LOVE this post! Your comment about the "boring houseplant" is absolutely great. Watered or not, the poor little houseplant never really gets to experience LIFE the same way that the mighty oak does. Amazing :)
loved this post! and btw, our school is just down the road from the boys' school and our houses SOO if you want a reprieve we would love it if you want to mentor a kiddo. You could come and visit once a week! OR you can come by and play with the roaches until Tuesday. Either way, I would love to see you!!! ;) Jen
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