Wow. Last week was a total bust. I won't really go into details, to save y'all the pain, but two words: stomach flu. I was hit Tuesday night and never really recovered until early weekend. N and Monkey are fine (as of the writing of this post) and we're crossing fingers that it stays that way. I'm choosing to say I had stomach flu because I'm really not sure if it was that, food poisoning or reaction to being contaminated by a food allergen. The symptoms are always the same for me - use your imagination. But on Friday when my OB said that over 50% of her patients have struggled with the same symptoms this past month from stomach flu, I'm labeling it as such.
So, to make a long story longer, I didn't cook much this past week in spite of having the ingredients.
But I must share this one very important thing...
Can I tell you how incredibly grateful I am for a husband that is laid-back and easy-going when it comes to his appetite?
Popcorn for dinner?
Ramen noodles?
Let me cook it honey, you rest.
Deli meat, crackers, and cheese plate?
Can I get you a glass of water while I put it together?
I've since quit asking myself what I've done to deserve such a life partner, because the answer is simple: NOTHING! Either way, God has graced me and I try not to take it for granted. Seriously, I have the BEST husband ever!
So, apologies up front for some repeated items (again!!!) on this week's menu.
Monday: Tuna Casserole
Tuesday: Brisket, green beans,
Wednesday: Ramen noodle/Popcorn night
Thursday: Baked Potato Soup
Friday: Lasagne, salad (YES - I FOUND Gluten-Free lasagne noodles!!!)
Since it seems that every week I'm not cooking at least two meals, I'm not even scheduling anything for the weekends. We'll see how it goes this week. To meet more Menu Planning Momma's visit here.
Yikes hun!!! I remember when I was around 15 weeks or so preggo I caught a slight stomach bug. I think mines was food poisoning though. I was up from like 3 in the morning all the way until the next day. I was sooooo dehydrated and afraid of what it may be doing to ***.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. N is great for not expecting much while your sick and pregnant! ;) Sounds like he's a great guy and don't think that you don't deserve him. You're a great person and God knows it!!!
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