Tom Thumb
2 Gallons Whole Milk $3.98
2 1/2 Gallons Generic Lactose-Free Milk 6.58
Total $10.56
4-pack Magic Erasers $3.44
Wavy Lays 2.50
2 cans Red Bull 3.78
Hormel Bacon 3.49
Hormel Ham 3.69
Generic Frosted Flakes 3.94
1 Bottle Liquid Smoke 1.39
Emeril Cajun Spice 3.69
2 Bananas 0.51
2.42 lbs gala apples 3.61
2 Red Baron Pizzas 6.04
Total $36.72
Bulk sea salt 0.24
GF Macaroni 3.49
GF Fettucine 3.49
2 cucumbers 2.50
2.67 lbs oranges 1.84
1.81 lbs Red seedless grapes 3.60
3.77 lbs Russet bakers 2.60
3 Texas grapefruits 0.50
Total $18.26
Grand Total $65.54
This Week's Challenges:
Not reading the adds - If I'd read the adds, I'd have known that Tom Thumb's grapes were half the price of Sprouts.
Indulgences - Like I mentioned last week, N rarely has specific requests from the grocery store. Well, on top of the fact that I have a very laid back, easy to please husband, I found out this week that when he wants something he just gets it on his own. LOL! I went over the bank statement and couldn't figure out all these little debit card requests from a Quik Stop by N's office. The culprit? Red Bull runs. LOL! So we...ahem...talked. And decided for him to start putting it on our grocery list and taking it out of the proper budget.
Lesson's Learned:
Gluten-free lasagna noodles are nowhere to be found in the town I live in - Even Whole Foods didn't carry it. They used to a long time ago, but that was the WF up in Plano when we lived up there. So I'm a little bummed. I've had lasagne on the silly menu plan for three weeks and I still haven't gotten to make it. If anyone see gluten-free lasagne noodles at their local store, would you please just buy it for me? I'll pay you back, I promise!
Take shopping bags to Sprouts - I mentioned this last week, but I am disappointed I didn't take my bags to Sprouts. Five bags of groceries could have saved me twenty-five cents. Not much, but it all adds up.
To meet other savvy, budget-minded shoppers, visit Gayle's site at Grocery Cart Challenge.
(last minute work baby shower)
Red bell pepper
Yellow bell pepper
Orange bell pepper
2 fresh jalapenos
Organic corn chips
Total $5.99
Bringing new weekly grand total to $71.53! Woohoo! Still under budget.
LOL! J does the same thing... he makes little Dr P and Pepsi runs during his work day! I see this little debits for like $1 - $4, almost everyday in the week! Problem is that if we buy the cases of soda from the grocer, he ends up drinking half the case in one day!!! GRRRR!!!! That boy has soda running through his veins and I hate it! =) Tried to detox him a few times and he goes nuts! Seriously... NUTS!
Ha - Sammy does the same thing with Starbucks in the mornings. I figure out that I haven't noticed a dirty coffee mug lately, and I find out he's been going to Starbucks all week...
Gala apples are the best. I recently found Gala Apple Juice at Trader Joe's. It is obviously delicious.
have you tried little home town natural markets in you area? There is usually one in every mid-size town.
Cubby, J is his father's son for sure! Dad was the same way growing up. Pepsi running through his veins. Tell J to be know Dad's Pepsi binges have caught up with him. He's struggling with major health issues and I'm convinced that you are what you eat.
Are you clipping coupons? I've been clipping coupons since I worked at Tom Thumb in high school and saw how much people could save. And make sure to read the circulars in the Wednesday paper and the Sunday paper for CVS & Walgreen ads. I do special trips to stores if the price is right.
I was very proud of some of my buys this week.
2.99 Electrosal Tabs at CVS with a $2.50 Off coupon. So, 20 tabs only 49 cents!!
Softsoap Hand Soap only $1 at CVS with 35 cent off coupon. Only 65 cents!
Palmolive Dish Soap only 97 cents with 25 cent off coupon.
I don't ever buy toilet paper or paper towels unless they are on sale and I have a coupon.
Good Luck!!
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